“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
But by the moments that take our breath away”
I love inspirational quotations. I have them on little pieces of paper all over my desk at work. They have been cut from magazines and church bulletins, printed from online sites or shared with me by caring folks. So, when I came across this quotation on a large picture-type poster at a local store, I stood there for several moments taking it all in. It must have seemed strange to people walking by, but I wanted to stand there and ponder areas in my life that take my breath away. Lately there have been moments that have certainly taken by breath away.
Events such as when:
· I read my 17 year old’s blog containing a letter he has written to his father who passed away a year ago. His obvious maturity and insight takes my breath away.
· my 10 year old waves at me as he passes me in the hall at school and in his silliest voice says “Hiya MOMMY!” His confidence takes my breath away.
· my 5th grade students clap when I deliver a particularly great lesson (yeah, I curtsy and smile) just leaves me breathless.
· my 4 year old nephew runs up to me on Sunday morning-arms open wide and yells “Aunt Sissie, I missed you!” His unconditional love takes my breath away.
· my baby brother (who happens to be 30 years old) writes the most eloquent words. His gift takes my breath away.
· I hear on my voicemail “this is your mother, I am just checking in to see how you are doing.” Her matriarchal love takes my breath away.
· I feel the spirit of a God in a song as I corporately worship with other brothers and sisters in Christ. The closeness of the body of Christ takes my breath away.
· I think of how specifically God has blessed this family in the past year. God’s faithfulness is truly breathless.
· my middle brother simply takes the time to connect with my sons. His sense of love and responsibility for us is breathtaking.
· I am taking stock of life and find that it is rich in memories, friendships and love. I find this breathtaking.
· I watch my father minister to folks, carrying their burdens and lifting them up. His generous spirit leaves me breathless.
There are so many aspects of this life that are breathtaking; events that occur everyday, events that we take for granted. What are some life moments that have taken your breath away? Life is too short not to acknowledge them.
This I know for sure….
BTW—I have currently changed the settings on the blog so that ANYONE can leave comments. You no longer have to register—I’d love to hear from some of you.