“And when we become present to God and God’s people, we find our lives richer. We come to know that all the world is our dance floor. Our step grows lighter because God has called out others to dance as well” Henri Nouwen
Psalms 30:11 “You turned my mourning into dancing”
I am a Nazarene girl—born and raised. I didn’t go to my high school prom, or to school dances but now—I love to dance. I am not great at it, but I love the reckless abandonment that one feels when they are truly dancing. The thought of actually being able to dance to the music in my head, at this point, seems like an impossibility. The thought that amid pain, joy can be found is a bit overwhelming; yet I take comfort in knowing that it is possible.
Dancing was meant to be a shared activity. It just isn’t as fun to dance by yourself. Dancing with others requires one to take the lead and another to follow. Friendship is like that, companionship is like that and love is like that. Dancing at this point is difficult. It is my belief that God has deliberately sent people my way to dance with me. Some have come to dance out of obligation—this could be family, yet they move in time with the circumstances. Some dance out of choice –these can be friends, both old and new that join in. Some dance seemingly out of chance – a chance meeting that creates a beautiful waltz. As I am learning to dance, I need these different partners, each one perfectly fits their particular dance and we move graciously to the rhythm of life that God has orchestrated.
As we learn to dance, at times we are called to partner with others. Not long after Don died, some friends lost a young grandson to sudden death. This grandfather had been the physician in the emergency room the night Don was taken in-the man who danced with our family and brought about calm amidst the storm of the evening. Now, he was in need of us. My brother, Marc, created a beautiful memory video for my husband’s memorial service, so to this great physician friend I offered the only dance I knew and that was the ability to create a similar video for his grandson. As Marc and I worked on and created this video I could not believe the healing that began to take place within me. The dance was sustained as it gathered in more partners.
By allowing the Holy Spirit to call us to dance and heeding that call, at some point we realize that we don’t have to remain where we are; whether it is in grief, depression, difficult life circumstances etc… We can actually move beyond the point of self-absorption. We can make room for others to enter the dance with us to minister and be ministered to. Our load will become lighter because we are no longer dancing alone.
Total fulfillment, however, lies in Christ alone. He is the author and the finisher of not only my faith but of my life circumstances. He works in and through my life with people and situations that define who I am and who I can become. God is greater than my heart. He surpasses my ability to think or feel. He is the perfect dance partner. Dancing in time with the Lord of the Dance- to the rhythm of His plan is where the focus becomes fulfillment.
This I know for sure…
“To heal is to let the Holy Spirit call me to dance, to believe again, even amid my pain that God will orchestrate and guide my life.” –Henri Nouwen-